Thursday, 8 April 2010

The Adventure Begins (well, its begun actually!)

Met with my fellow travellers early on the 6th.  There are 40 of us in total (lots of people to piss off!, maybe too many).  After mucking about for some time we left for Dover and the ferry to the continent.

The Motley Crew

Made good time and got to Dover only to discover Sea France on strike so no ferry!! Managed to get another one and so no major problems, well not until just outside DunkirkTrolling along nicely when all of a sudden we coast to a sedate halt.  Run out of deisel - Not a good start :(

The Gendarmerie turned up and managed to get us a man with some fuel so we got moving again.  Our driver Adam was duly apologetic and given as this was only the start of the trip we forgave him (I won't be so forgiving in the future).

Due to the various delays we never reached our destination for day one (wherever that was) and so we rough camped in a farmers field.
Rough Camping

Early start on day two saw us traverse Belgium and go deep into Germany (exactly where I'm not sure) but nothing of note to record except we rouch camped in another farmer's field!

Day three saw us leave Germany and enter the Czech Republic and I am writing this first note from Prague whilst having a coffee and chilling out.

Will write again soon (probably in Turkey).

Matt (Somewhere in Europe)
Phone Off
Thinking of you all (NOT!)